Статус: Выдано предупреждение
Сервер: [ZM] Казахский Пирог ЗОМБИ
Нарушитель: Нурсултан Кенжегалиев
Идентификатор нарушителя: asd
Другие жалобы на нарушителя: Подробнее (2)
Автор: Sead
Дата создания: 29 марта 2024 г, 01:03
Комментарий автора:
Hello dear friends im writting this complaint since asd here clearly shows that he didn't read the rules correctly when it comes to giving ranks in the pictures you can clearly see that he gave the same rank twice to dasha which proves that he needs to read the rules i would like this person to give me his part of the story and some sort of punishment should be conisdered thank you.
Рассмотрел: S a m u r a i
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